Dad, we need you.

We need you because 71% of young men and young women come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 90% of homeless and runaway children come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 85% of children with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 71% of teenage pregnancies happen among those who come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 85% of youth in prison come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 63% of those that commit suicide, before age 18, come from fatherless homes.

We need you because 80% of those who abuse others sexually come from fatherless homes.

We need you because a child is four times more likely to grow up in poverty when they come from a fatherless home.

We need you because 24 million children, 1 out of 3, are living without you.

Dad, we really need you.

To every father that has stayed in the race when life has been hard; to every father that has chosen to endure the pressure and fight for their family; to every father that has sacrificed his desires for the sake of his children— thank you. You are one of the purest expressions of Christ in the earth. We need more homes with fathers like you in this nation. You may not be perfect, you may have struggles, but you are more valuable than you realize. Happy Father’s Day!


